This file has two sheets. Data are measurements by Citizen Science Air Monitors (CSAM) and Federal Monitors, which sampled particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), relative humidity (RH), and temperature (T). Variables for each sheet are described in more detail below
The sheet “Snorkel No-Snorkel Comparison” includes data from two CSAM units, CSAM-2 and CSAM-3. CSAM-2 used a snorkel tube to sample outdoor air, and CSAM-3 did not use a snorkel tube. CSAM-2 and CSAM-3 were not in the same sampling location, but did sample contemporaneous measurements. These data were used to perform a snorkel and no-snorkel comparison.
The sheet “CSAM-1 and Federal Monitor” includes data from a CSAM unit (CSAM-1) and a Federal Monitor (which is used for regulatory measurements of air pollution). CSAM-1 and the Federal Monitor were installed in the same sampling location and recorded contemporaneous measurements. For CSAM-1, original recorded measurements are included, as well as measurements that were corrected (using regression equations) to better reflect the Federal Monitor values.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Barzyk, T., H. Huang, R. Williams, A. Kaufman, and J. Essoka. Advice and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Citizen-Science Environmental Health Assessments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, SWITZERLAND, 15(5): 960, (2018).