Community Eligibility Provision Evaluation

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) provided schools and districts that predominately serve low-income children with a new option for meal certification. Under the Community Eligibility Provision, schools do not collect or process meal applications for free and reduced-price meals served in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Schools must serve all meals at no cost with any costs in excess of the Federal reimbursement paid from non-Federal sources. The evaluation, mandated by HHFKA, examined the implementation and impacts of the Community Eligibility Provision.

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dcat_modified 2014-02-11
dcat_publisher_name Food and Nutrition Service
harvest_object_id 6cfc1f9b-f8b0-4ed4-ad4a-38db4f798517
harvest_source_id 2c0b1e04-ba48-4488-9de5-0dab41f9913f
harvest_source_title USDA Open Data Catalog