CT Hurricane Evacuation Zones 2014

Data included in this map service is part of the CT Environmental Conditions Online (CTECO) website. CT ECO is the collaborative work of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the University of Connecticut Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) to share environmental and natural resource information with the general public. Hurricane evacuation zones are based on the 2012 Hurricane Surge Inundation (SLOSH) zones. The evacuation zones were created from the intersection of the 2010 census blocks and the SLOSH zones. They were then trimmed by USACE using input from the coastal towns. Final edits were done by USACE in May, 2014.Detailed information about these and other Connecticut data sets is available on the CT ECO website in the form of Metadata. 

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Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://gis-fema.hub.arcgis.com/maps/CTECO::ct-hurricane-evacuation-zones-2014
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
GUID https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=4d028196e9f64c4888c57f6d53981dab&sublayer=0
dcat_issued 2017-06-26T16:37:41.000Z
dcat_modified 2017-06-28T16:42:32.000Z
dcat_publisher_name CT ECO
ib1_trust_framework []