Database of the Geologic Map of North America

"The Geological Society of America’s (GSA) Geologic Map of North America (Reed and others, 2005; 1:5,000,000) shows the geology of a significantly large area of the Earth, centered on North and Central America and including the submarine geology of parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This map is now converted to a Geographic Information System (GIS) database that contains all geologic and base-map information shown on the two printed map sheets and the accompanying explanation sheet. We anticipate this map database will be revised at some unspecified time in the future, likely through the actions of a steering committee managed by the Geological Society of America (GSA) and staffed by scientists from agencies including, but not limited to, those responsible for the original map compilation (U.S. Geological Survey, Geological Survey of Canada, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)."

Is best used for fault mapping and structural data, though is not ideal for finer details.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Christopher P. Garrity and David R. Soller
Author Email Christopher P. Garrity and David R. Soller
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
citation Ben Schubert, Database of the Geologic Map of North America, 2014-02-11,
netl_product no
organization_acronym USGS
spatial { "type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates": [[[[-81.65056, 7.3219423], [-111.06418, 18.75791], [-135.79584, 56.98638], [-178.21652, 51.863598], [-178.21655, 51.87429], [-166.23242, 68.87234], [-166.20749, 68.88346], [-156.69833, 71.33832], [-113.03832, 78.43692], [-85.79472, 82.4586], [-34.726112, 83.60138], [-12.16584, 81.609146], [-12.157632, 81.60068], [-61.083622, 10.102771], [-77.889725, 7.228891], [-81.65056, 7.3219423]]]]}