DFES Entire Network Data - Annual Storage (Discharging Only)

Dataset content available to registered users only

DFES – Entire Network Data – Annual Storage (Discharging Only)

The Entire Network Data - Annual Storage (Discharging Only) section within our Distributed Future Electricity Scenarios (DFES) content, details our view of the North West’s future electricity requirements and represents forecasts based on values collated across our entire network

The collection of DFES datasets envisages a range of possible views of the future, which indicate how different influences can change electrical demand and generation on our network.

This dataset is an accompaniment to our 2022 DFES. It contains detailed datasets and interactive tools which allow our customers to understand what our Distribution Future Electricity Scenarios mean to them.

Please refer to our main DFES report for a full description of our forecasts and scenarios. Our forecasts are not precise predictions of what the future is likely to be, but instead frame the uncertainty within our planning as explained in the main report.

If you have any query related to this DFES County Data, please contact us 


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Field Value
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
GUID https://electricitynorthwest.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/dfes-2023-entire-network-annual-storage-data-discharging-only
Identifier dfes-2023-entire-network-annual-storage-data-discharging-only
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/en"]
Theme ["https://electricitynorthwest.opendatasoft.com/id/theme/Forecasting%20Data"]
URI https://electricitynorthwest.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/dfes-2023-entire-network-annual-storage-data-discharging-only
harvest_object_id 97c91cc6-f6f0-46d7-a438-b5652a214fcf
harvest_source_id 81e5c27d-873f-4cc6-8247-5aaf6680001a
harvest_source_title Electricity North West Data Catalog