For large areas, like Washington State, download as a file geodatabase. Large data sets like this one, for the State of Washington, may exceed the limits for downloading as shape files, excel files, or KML files. For areas less than a county, you may use the map to zoom to your area and download as shape file, excel or KML, if that format is desired.DNR Water Bodies (WB) and DNR Watercourses (WC)
collectively known as DNR Hydro, contain water feature location and water type that
is used by the Forest Practices program to determine the amount and pattern of
riparian buffer protection required during forest practices activities. The water
type is a Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) classification
system of streams and water bodies that identifies whether or not streams/water
bodies have potential fish habitat, and whether or not streams experience
perennial or seasonal flow.
WC Hydro represents water courses as arcs or lines. These
occur alone as single arcs representing streams, ditches, or pipelines, or as
centerlines through water body polygons such as double-banked streams, lakes,
impoundments, reservoirs, wet areas, or glaciers. WB represents water bodies as
polygonal features. WB Hydro includes features such as Puget Sound, lakes, wet
areas, reservoirs, impoundments, glaciers, islands, and dams. WS represents
shorelines as polygon perimeter arcs and are edited
coincidentally with WB. WC and WB are edited
daily and simultaneously; updates are posted weekly for internal DNR use and
monthly for external use. Routes can be built on the WC by using the whole
stream identifier (WC_LLID_NR). DNR HYDRO is continually updated through the
DNR Forest Practices Water Type Modification Form process. DNR HYDRO is mixed
scale. The nominal scale is considered 1:24,000, but some data at larger scales
are included.Watercourses Layer Metadata