EDF group's workforce


The EDF Group's consolidated workforce since 2018 and its breakdown by subsidiary and geographical area.

Consolidation by full integration: Only the affiliates over which EDF has control are consolidated. In this financial approach, subsidiaries are consolidated at 100%, regardless of their ownership rate. Entities over which EDF does not have control are therefore not consolidated at all.

The total number of employees in France includes subsidiaries, some of which are not detailed here.

Detailed description:

For EDF SA, it includes:

Statutory full-time and part-time employees, with the exception of those whose employment contract is suspended, those on secondment and those seconded outside EDF SA.

Non-statutory employees on permanent contracts, including occupational physicians.

Employees on fixed-term contracts, including apprenticeship or professional training contracts and PhD students.

Mixed employees are counted in proportion to their EDF share, representative of their activity, and are distributed among the SEI Corsica and DGSC units of the DTEO-DST. The distribution of mixed staff according to their EDF share is rounded off to the nearest whole number. Except for the previous case, each employee counts as one regardless of his or her working hours.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://opendata.edf.fr/explore/dataset/effectifs-du-groupe-edf/
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
GUID https://opendata.edf.fr/api/v2.1/catalog/datasets/effectifs-du-groupe-edf
Identifier effectifs-du-groupe-edf@opendata-edf
Issued 2023-03-29T07:59:42.654000+00:00
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/fr"]
Modified 2023-03-29T07:59:42.654000+00:00
Publisher URI https://opendata.edf.fr/explore/?refine.publisher=EDF+group
Publisher name EDF group
Theme ["https://opendata.edf.fr/explore/?refine.theme=Human+resources"]
URI https://opendata.edf.fr/api/v2.1/catalog/datasets/effectifs-du-groupe-edf
harvest_object_id 2afa0d0a-436e-487e-9c77-548f86ce2168
harvest_source_id ce9eb1e4-cfb5-4626-a921-dec4e3652e57
harvest_source_title EDF Open Data Platform
ib1_trust_framework []
related_resource ["https://www.edf.fr/groupe-edf/agir-en-entreprise-responsable/rapports-et-indicateurs/indicateurs-extra-financiers/indicateurs-esg"]