Energy Transition Atlas

Energy Transition Atlas provides efficient access to authoritative, curated, and relevant data that is vital to supporting the economic, social, and environmental transition of fossil energy-dependent communities in the U.S. In this effort, researchers at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) are utilizing advanced data visualization and transformation capabilities to develop an integrated, data atlas and resource focused on supporting energy community transitions to new manufacturing opportunities.

Specifically, this project is working to find, acquire, integrate, and virtually host in a user-friendly, public and private solution from available resources, relevant to understanding and characterizing fossil energy communities themselves and supporting their adoption and transition to new manufacturing opportunities, such as critical materials, automotive, the medical sector and more.

This Atlas when complete is to offer a one-stop-shop for stakeholders to derive new insights to accelerate energy transition-manufacturing investments, regulatory, risk, and strategic decision support needs.

These are following datasets that are available as part of this ongoing project

  1. Energy Transition Atlas Map Package - This is ArcPro Map package and it contains all of the symbolized layers along with ArcPro map and geodatabase

  2. Energy Transition Atlas ArcGIS REST service -

  3. README Energy Transition Atlas - Read me word document that has details about feature classes in Map package, ArcPro map and ArcGIS Rest Service

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Email
Maintainer Maneesh Sharma
Maintainer Email Maneesh Sharma
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
citation Maneesh Sharma, Kelly Rose, Jennifer Bauer, Daniel C Amrine, Sean Sanguinito, Kylee Underwood, Energy Transition Atlas, 12/20/2022,, DOI: 10.18141/1922511
fgdc_compliancy no
geospatial yes
netl_product yes
organization_extra National Energy Technology Laboratory
poc_email [email protected]
point_of_contact Mary Underwood
program_or_project RIC
project_number FE000003
publication_date 2022-12-21
spatial {"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-46.318359375,51.34433866059924],[-46.318359375,24.126701958681668],[-143.701171875,24.126701958681668],[-143.701171875,51.34433866059924],[-46.318359375,51.34433866059924]]]]}