Assessment of several chemical soil parameters at the beginning of the monitoring campaign. Most parameters were determined accordung to the manual of ICP-Integrated-Monitoring. The parameters were analysed for all genetic horizons in soil pits and additionally for fixed layers in the Intensive-Monitoring-Plots. In heterogeneous LWF-plots, several soil pits were analysed in order to assess the soil variability of the plot. The manual (in German) for soil sampling and soil analyses is available in www: The results and data of the first soil survey are available (in German) in www:
The chemical characterisation of soil matrix down to the paraent material is realised with data from soil pits. The monitoring of the soil matrix in a frequency of roundly 15 years is effected with soil samples from Intensiv-Monitoring-Plots. For soil monitoring, pooled samples with 16 replicats are used down to a depth of 80 cm. The date of the second soil survey is not yet fixed.
Manual Citation:
- Walthert L, Lüscher P, Luster J, Peter B (2002) Langfristige Waldökosystem-Forschung LWF. Kernprojekt Bodenmatrix. Aufnahmeanleitung zur ersten Erhebung 1994-1999. ETHZ Zürich, e-collection , Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Vol. 269: 56 p. 10.3929/ethz-a-004375470
Paper Citation:
- Walthert L, Blaser P, Lüscher P, Luster J, Zimmermann S (2003) Langfristige Waldökosystem-Forschung LWF. Kernprojekt Bodenmatrix. Ergebnisse der ersten Erhebung 1994-1999. ETHZ Zürich, e-collection , Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Vol. 276: 340 p.