Abstract:This dataset depicts the limit and extent of Australia’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) as proclaimed by the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 - Proclamation under section 10B (26/07/1994). This proclamation declares an exclusive economic zone beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea with an outer limit of 200 nautical miles seaward from the territorial sea baseline. However, where Australia’s proximity to another nation requires a reduced EEZ the extent of the EEZ is fixed by reference to defined geographic coordinates in the proclamation. For many operational matters, Australia acts as if the EEZ limit in the unratified 1997 Perth Treaty Between Australia and Indonesia was in force A dataset depicting this line is supplied as “Exclusive Economic Zone as amended by the Perth Treaty”the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries (Perth, 14 march 1997) [1997] ATNIF 9 - (not yet in force).This version release is the Australian Maritime Boundaries (AMB) 2020 and is a component of the Seas and Submerged Lands Act (SSLA) 1973.© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2021.Downloads and Links:Web ServicesSeas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 MapServer Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 WMTSSeas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 WMSSeas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 WFSDownloads available from the expanded catalogue link, belowMetadata URL:https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/dataset/ga/144571