Experimental evaluation of reservoir pretreatment in chemical flooding: final report

The purpose of this study has been twofold. First, by employing radial disks, the effect of flow geometry found in a field application has been incorporated into the experimental study. At the same time, the ultimate measure of preflush effectiveness, the incremental oil produced as a result of the pretreatment, has been chosen as the yardstick for comparison. Second, by combining the scope of several previously reported studies covering a few inorganic and organic preflush chemicals into one study with a single source of rock, the effect of substrate variability could be isolated from the analysis. This work in Berea is considered a foundation for similar studies to be compJeted in reservoir rock, where the effect of different clay compositions and rock heterogeneities can be compared to the standardized case with Berea sandstone.

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Author Harry Surkalo, George Pouska, Rex D. Thomas
Author Email Harry Surkalo, George Pouska, Rex D. Thomas
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
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citation Yael Tucker, Experimental evaluation of reservoir pretreatment in chemical flooding: final report, 2014-07-11, https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/experimental-evaluation-of-reservoir-pretreatment-in-chemical-flooding-final-report
netl_product no
publication_date 1981-02-01
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