Exports, Imports and Trade Balance By Country and Region

Explore exports, imports, and trade balance data by country and region on this dataset webpage. Gain insights into MFN Dutiable Tariff Lines Share, Import Share in Total Products, AHS SpecificDuty Imports, and more. Click to access valuable information for countries like Kuwait, Belarus, Qatar, Afghanistan, and many more.

MFN Dutiable Tariff Lines Share (%), Import Share in Total Products (%), AHS Specific Tariff Lines Share (%), AHS SpecificDuty Imports(US$ Thousand),MFN SpecificDuty Imports (US$ Thousand), MFN Dutiable Imports (US$ Thousand), AHS MaxRate (%), MFN MaxRate (%), Export (US$ Thousand), MFN Duty Free Tariff Lines Share (%), AHS MinRate (%), Export Share in Total Products (%), Import (US$ Thousand), MFN Specific Tariff Lines Share (%), MFN Duty Free Imports (US$ Thousand), MFN Total Tariff Lines, MFN Weighted Average (%), AHS Weighted Average (%), MFN MinRate (%), AHS Duty Free Imports (US$ Thousand), MFN AVE Tariff Lines Share (%), AHS Simple Average (%), AHS Total Tariff Lines, MFN Simple Average (%), Import Partner Share (%), AHS AVE Tariff Lines Share (%), Trade Balance (US$ Thousand), No Of Tariff Agreement, Export Partner Share (%), AHS Dutiable Tariff Lines Share (%), AHS Duty Free Tariff Lines Share (%), AHS Dutiable Imports (US$ Thousand), Imports, Exports, Exporters, Importers

Kuwait, Belarus, Qatar, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, and many more. Follow data.kapsarc.org for timely data to advance energy economics research.

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Field Value
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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
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IB1 Trust Framework
GUID https://datasource.kapsarc.org/api/v2/catalog/datasets/exports-imports-and-trade-balance-by-country-and-region
Identifier exports-imports-and-trade-balance-by-country-and-region
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/en"]
Theme ["https://datasource.kapsarc.org/id/theme/Trade"]
URI https://datasource.kapsarc.org/api/v2/catalog/datasets/exports-imports-and-trade-balance-by-country-and-region
harvest_object_id 62480034-f282-4d63-92d6-242f75e4eb96
harvest_source_id 66a4911c-4fc5-4ce9-af4f-d84380e3dd24
harvest_source_title KAPSARC Energy Data Portal