Offshore Renewable Energy: Potential Foreshore Site Investigation
licence locations related to potential offshore renewable energy related
infrastructure, and current offshore renewable energy project locations.The extent of state owned foreshore is normally defined to
landward by the High Water Mark as shown on the OSI Historic 1888-1913 25 Inch
mapping (
) and to seaward by the 12 nautical mile limit of the Territorial Seas (
The Foreshore Act 1933, as amended, requires that a lease or
licence must be obtained for any activity on State-owned foreshore, which
represents the greater part of the foreshore. The Act provides for the issuing
of licences or leases which are in the public interest. A lease relates to
buildings or other structures and is generally used for a development that
requires exclusive occupation of the foreshore. A licence is generally issued
for a development or activity that does not require exclusive occupation of the
foreshore and moorings also fall into this category. Each application is the
subject of a range of detailed statutory assessments. Details on Foreshore
applications are available at
Please note that a foreshore licence for site investigation
activity related to a potential Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) infrastructure
project is just a survey of an area of foreshore to ascertain suitability for
possible ORE physical infrastructure in the future. Such a licence does not
result in permanent physical infrastructure being placed on the foreshore. With
regards to the ORE physical infrastructure (arrays, cables, etc.), a separate
application, directly related to such infrastructure, would be required and
would undergo a robust application process, including public consultation.
Clicking on a polygon’s Web Link launches the relevant page
of the Foreshore website that provides the full suite of relevant application
information including the various statutory assessment material. The current
status of the application is also noted.