Abstract:Before an act is done, which may affect native title, a Government party must issue a notice under s 29 of the NTA ("s 29 notice" or "future act notice"). The notice provides details of the proposed act and specifies a date ("notification date") from which persons have either 3 or 4 months to object to the act or become a native title party with rights to negotiate about the doing of the act.The NNTT holds information on all current and historical future act notices.Future act notices for acts that are not yet finalised are referred to as "current" and include notices where:(a) less than 6 months has passed from the notification date of the notice;(b) the act is the subject of a "future act application" under s 75 of the NTA; or(c) the act is not an act attracting the expedited procedure (ss 32 and 237 of the NTA).National Native Title Tribunal © Commonwealth of Australia 2022Downloads and Links:Web ServicesFuture Act Notices CurrentMetadata URL:www.nntt.gov.au/assistance/Geospatial/Pages/Metadata.aspx?filename=%20ISO19139/Future%20Act%20Notices%20CurrentArcGIS item:https://nntt.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=2698667a86e54550b732174a71c3bc57&sublayer=3