This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations.
The core areas contain a pond density of 2+ ponds and are located within a 1km square where great crested newt presence has been predicted.
Fringe areas contain a pond density of 1 and are located within a 1km square where great crested newt presence has been predicted or are within a 250m of a Core Area.
Higher scores are associated with darker colouration and represent a greater presence of suitable habitat features: pH 6-7; Distance from grassland <100m; Density of grassland 5-67%; Distance from woodland <100m; Density of woodland 5-67%; Shannon-Weaver diversity -2 to -0.8
Distance from grassland 2ha (+400m buffer), roads (7.5m), rivers (7.5m) and Environment Agency Flood Zone 2 have been excluded.
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