Historic water temperatures on public beaches 2019 from the IoT project
Data and Resources
Historic water temperatures on public beaches 2019 from the IoT project (json)
Historic water temperatures on public beaches 2019 from the IoT project (csv)
Historic water temperatures on public beaches 2019 from the IoT project...
Historic water temperatures on public beaches 2019 from the IoT project (shp)
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | https://opendata.umea.se/explore/dataset/historiska-badvattentemperaturer-2019-fran-iot-projektet/ |
Version | |
Author | |
Author Email | |
Maintainer | |
Maintainer Email | |
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) | Open |
IB1 Sensitivity Class | |
IB1 Trust Framework | |
IB1 Dataset Assurance | |
IB1 Trust Framework | |
Contact email | [email protected] |
Contact name | IoT projektet, Umeå kommun |
GUID | https://opendata.umea.se/api/v2.1/catalog/datasets/historiska-badvattentemperaturer-2019-fran-iot-projektet |
Identifier | historiska-badvattentemperaturer-2019-fran-iot-projektet@opendataumea |
Issued | 2019-12-19T07:46:31.433000+00:00 |
Language | ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/sv"] |
Modified | 2019-12-19T07:46:31.433000+00:00 |
Publisher URI | https://opendata.umea.se/explore/?refine.publisher=Ume%C3%A5+kommun |
Publisher name | Umeå kommun |
Theme | ["https://opendata.umea.se/explore/?refine.theme=Education%2C+culture+and+sport", "https://opendata.umea.se/explore/?refine.theme=Environment"] |
URI | https://opendata.umea.se/api/v2.1/catalog/datasets/historiska-badvattentemperaturer-2019-fran-iot-projektet |
ib1_trust_framework | [] |