This website is a collaborative effort among several individuals. Michael Gates (USDA, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) conceptualized the project. Robert Kula (USDA, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) and Matthew Buffington (USDA, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) contributed to the design of the website. Type photographs were taken by Mr. Jeffrey Chiu and Eugenio (Gino) Nearns (APHIS/PPQ/NIS) developed the website and prepared the on-line searchable database. Signiphoridae type specimens were photographed and processed by members of the Woolley Lab (Ana Dal Molin and Lydia Wessner) and support provided by National Science Foundation - PEET DEB-0730616 grant to Dr. Jim Woolley (Texas A&M University) and Dr. John Heraty (University of California, Riverside).