Malawi - Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey 2010-2011 ; Subset for Machine Learning Comparative Assessment Project

This dataset contains a set of data files used as input for a World Bank research project (empirical comparative assessment of machine learning algorithms applied to poverty prediction). The objective of the project was to compare the performance of a series of classification algorithms. The dataset contains variables at the household, individual, and community levels. The variables selected to serve as potential predictors in the machine learning models are all qualitative variables (except for the household size). Information on household consumption is included, but in the form of dummy variables (indicating whether the household consumed or not each specific product or service listed in the survey questionnaire). The household-level data file contains the variables "Poor / Non poor" which served as the predicted variable ("label") in the models. One of the data files included in the dataset contains data on household consumption (amounts) by main categories of products and services. This data file was not used in the prediction model. It is used only for the purpose of analyzing the models mis-classifications (in particular, to identify how far the mis-classified households are from the national poverty line). These datasets are provided to allow interested users to replicate the analysis done for the project using Python 3 (a collection of Jupyter Notebooks containing the documented scripts is openly available on GitHub).

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Author National Statistical Office (NSO) Ministry of Economic Planning and Development (MoEPD)
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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
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