Metadata of the Danube Delta Database

A description of biological and ecological data of the Danube delta lakes and channels is presented. The biological indicators refer to aquatic macrophytes, fish, zoo-plankton, and macro-invertebrates. Environmental data include physio-chemical data as well as hydrological parameters.

More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - MARS_12 (

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
Access constraints internal
Contact email [email protected]
Coupled resource
Dataset language eng
Dataset reference date 2014-01-01
Dataset reference type publication
Frequency of update
Guid MARS_12
Licence The dataset is publicly available (data portal, data archive) and can be used without restrictions, but dataset creator/data contributors must be informed prior to publication. Data must be acknowledged and cited correctly.
Metadata date 2015-07-23
Metadata language eng
Resource type dataset
Responsible party Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development
Responsible party role Principal Investigator
Spatial data service type
Spatial harvester true
Spatial reference system
Temporal extent begin 2000-01-01T00:00:00
Temporal extent end 2014-12-31T00:00:00
Topic category biota, environment, inlandWaters
harvest_object_id e418ac62-85d5-4351-8d2a-e20cae1699fe
harvest_source_id ea4de9a1-9855-4bfe-91bc-524820e4c422
harvest_source_title Ponderful Data Catalog