Midyear population

Explore the dataset on midyear population statistics for 2015, including data on non-infectious diseases, infectious diseases, accidents, malnutrition, congenital diseases, and more. Gain insights on population health trends globally.

Non-infectious, Midyear population, Annual, Infectious disease, Accident/Trauma, Malnutrition, Congenital disease, Other (including ageing), Disease, Health, Population

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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
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GUID https://datasource.kapsarc.org/api/v2/catalog/datasets/midyear-population-2015
Identifier midyear-population-2015
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/en"]
Theme ["https://datasource.kapsarc.org/id/theme/Demography"]
URI https://datasource.kapsarc.org/api/v2/catalog/datasets/midyear-population-2015
harvest_object_id 3e2331a6-6b05-4c36-a96c-3da2ea107499
harvest_source_id 66a4911c-4fc5-4ce9-af4f-d84380e3dd24
harvest_source_title KAPSARC Energy Data Portal