NATCARB Saline v1403 (Archived)

The National Carbon Sequestration Database and Geographic Information System (NATCARB) Saline spatial database is a small-scale (large-area) overview of carbon dioxide (CO2) geologic storage potential in saline formations across the USA and parts of Canada. Saline formations are composed of brine-saturated porous rock and capped by one or more regionally extensive, low-permeability rock formations.Only saline formations containing formation fluid with total dissolved solids (TDS) greater than 10,000 ppm merited evaluation for potential CO2 storage. A saline storage resource can include one named geologic stratigraphic unit or be defined as only a part of a stratigraphic unit.This data layer reflects the best available knowledge regarding the location of carbon sequestration potential in the USA and Canada, both onshore and offshore.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Email
Maintainer George Hall
Maintainer Email George Hall
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
citation NATCARB, NATCARB Saline v1403, 2014
data_history v1101 - Initial release for Atlas III.v1103 - Metadata revised.v1104 - No changes to Saline layer.v1204 - Initial release for Atlas IV. New data submitted by all regional partnerships.v1302 - No changes to Saline layer. Metadata revised.v1303 - No changes to Saline layer. Metadata revised.v1403 - Initial release for Atlas V. New data submitted by MGSC, PCOR, and the Cambro-Ordovician sitecharacterization project. Missing Medium volumes calculated as natural log mean of Low and High volumes
ecological_region Terrestrial
netl_product yes
organization_acronym NETL
poc_email [email protected]
point_of_contact Andrea Dunn
program_or_project NATCARB
publication_date 2014-10-01
spatial {"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-66.97265625,49.38237278700955],[-66.97265625,25.64152637306577],[-125.33203125,25.64152637306577],[-125.33203125,49.38237278700955],[-66.97265625,49.38237278700955]]],[[[-72.0703125,62.99515845212052],[-72.0703125,62.99515845212052],[-82.79296874999999,62.99515845212052],[-82.79296874999999,62.99515845212052],[-72.0703125,62.99515845212052]]],[[[-117.0703125,71.07405646336098],[-117.0703125,49.15296965617039],[-168.3984375,49.15296965617039],[-168.3984375,71.07405646336098],[-117.0703125,71.07405646336098]]]]}