NETL Carbon Storage Atlas -- Fifth Edition

The Carbon Storage Atlas contains the following sections: (1) Introduction to CCS; (2) DOE’s Carbon Storage Activities; (3) National Perspectives; (4) Large-Scale Field Projects; (5) Small-Scale Field Projects; and (6) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Site Characterization Projects. The Introduction to CCS section is an overview of CCS. The DOE’s Carbon Storage Activities section is a summary of CCS activities including information on DOE’s Carbon Capture and Storage Programs, NETL’s Research and Development, DOE’s Systems Analysis Activities, and DOE’s Interagency and Global Collaborations, and Knowledge Sharing Efforts. The National Perspectives section contains maps showing the number, location, and magnitude of CO2 stationary sources in the United States and other portions of North America, as well as the areal extent and estimated CO2 prospective storage resource available in RCSP-evaluated geologic formations. The Large-Scale Field Projects section provides detailed information on various aspects of the large-scale injections conducted by the RCSPs. The Small-Scale Field Projects and Site Characterization Projects sections provide summaries of field project activities that augment the efforts of the large-scale field projects. Atlas V highlights the RCSPs’ large-scale field projects. These field projects are unique and address technical and non-technical challenges within their respective regions. The RCSPs are a success story in collaboration and integration of technologies in their trailblazing efforts to provide a firm foundation for moving forward with commercial-scale carbon storage projects. For each of the RCSPs’ large-scale field projects, the Atlas provides a summary of approaches taken, technologies validated, and lessons learned in carrying out key aspects of a CCS project: site characterization; risk assessment, simulation and modeling, monitoring, verification, accounting and assessment; site operations; and public outreach. Carbon dioxide geologic storage information in Atlas V was developed to provide a high-level overview of prospective storage resource across the United States and other portions of North America. Areal extents of geologic formations and CO2 storage resource presented are intended to be used as an initial assessment. This information provides CCS project developers a starting point for further investigation of the extent to which geologic CO2 storage is feasible, but is not intended as a substitute for site-specific characterization, assessment, and testing.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Author Email
Maintainer George Hall
Maintainer Email George Hall
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
citation Carbon Storage Atlas, Fifth Edition, USA, NETL, 2015
data_history Atlas V
netl_product yes
organization_acronym NETL
poc_email [email protected]
point_of_contact Andrea Dunn
program_or_project SCC
publication_date 2015-09-28
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