NMED Petroleum Storage Tank Bureau (PSTB)
Data and Resources
Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities by Owner SizeArcGIS MapServices
This map shows the distribution of PSTB facilities and sites within NM House...
Links to and information about reporting a leak or spill, public regulatory...
Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities and Release...HTML
This map shows state wide information on petroleum releases or spills in the...
Active leaking and No Further Action SitesHTML
Lists of active and leaking tank datasets for download.
Preventing and Addressing Leaks and SpillsHTML
The Petroleum Storage Tank Bureau, through state and federal law, requires...
Corrective Action FundHTML
The Unobligated Balance of the CAF as of June 30, 2022 is $1,979,842.39....
Delivery ProhibitionHTML
List of facilities that are currently designated as ineligible for delivery,...
Public Record on Underground Storage TanksPDF
Summary of inspections and releases for the previous year.