As part of the NSTA’s published 2017/18 Activity Plan, the NSTA is publishing a set of regional geological maps for the Central North Sea and Moray Firth areas of the UKCS. These maps represent the first set of deliverables from a 3 year contract with Lloyd’s Register (LR) to produce a series of maps and associated databases for the whole of the UKCS.
All data released with this set of geological maps is public domain data. The project has, however, benefited from a number of additional third party data sources which have been used to help inform final maps and/or derive interpreted products. These include the 21st Century Roadmap Palaeozoic project (which is now available in the public domain), PGS’s North Sea Digital Atlas, research data from the University of Aberdeen, CGG’s Target database and relevant products available via the BGS’s Offshore Geoindex. TGS are gratefully acknowledged for providing joined digital log data from LogLinePlus to enable the production of sand flag curves. Schlumberger, TGS and BP are acknowledged for providing additional seismic data to help QC interpretation carried out within the project and CDA are also kindly acknowledged for their support in downloading and providing much of the released well data to LR as part of this project.
Due to the high level, regional nature of the project, the maps are being produced for the main geological time intervals e.g. Paleocene, Lower Cretaceous, Upper Jurassic. Each time interval includes the following products:
Depth structure maps
Isochore maps
Subcrop & supercrop maps
Structural elements maps
Depositional facies maps
Reservoir distribution maps
Source rock maps
Well penetration maps
Hydrocarbon occurrence maps
The products published here include:
a series of layered PDF documents which provide explanations of the various maps and datasets that have been produced plus a set of stratigraphic and petroleum systems charts.
an ArcGIS project containing all of the maps and associated data. NSTA web feature services (WFSs) have been included in the map document in this delivery. They replace the use of a shapefile or feature class to represent block, licence and quadrant data. By using a WFS, the data is automatically updated when it becomes available via the NSTA
digital copies of the sand flags (.las format)
digital copies of the depth and thickness grids produced in the project (.xyz format)