NWISRL South Farm Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Kimberly, Idaho

NWISRL South Farm Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Kimberly, Idaho We report N2O emissions along with CO2 and CH4 from a silage corn (2013)–barley (2014)–alfalfa (2015) rotation under conventional tillage and sprinkler irrigation. The main study objectives were to evaluate the effectiveness of an enhanced-efficiency fertilizer (SuperU; stabilized granular urea with urease and nitrification inhibitors) to reduce N2O emissions when compared to granular urea, and determine GHG emissions from fall-applied dairy manure or composted dairy manure and spring-applied dairy manure. Nitrogen treatments were only applied during the first two years of the study. Compared to urea, SuperU plots emitted 53% less N2O during the monitoring period with corn, while no N2O emission reductions occurred in 2014 with barley. The N2O-N emission losses as a percentage of total N applied were 0.21% and 0.04% for urea and SuperU in 2013, respectively, with losses of 0.05% from both urea fertilizers in 2014. On average, N2O fluxes from fall and spring manure were statistically similar and greater than the other N treatments in 2014, and there was a lasting manure treatment effect on emissions when under alfalfa. Carbon dioxide fluxes, on average, were greatest from fall- and spring-applied manure during the first two years of study. Methane fluxes were negative on average, indicating microbial oxidation, and no differences occurred among the N treatments. Silage corn, barley grain, and alfalfa yields were statistically similar among all N treatments. This work demonstrates that SuperU can potentially reduce N2O emissions from irrigated cropping systems in the semiarid western United States while not affecting crop yields.

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GUID c93f2339-009c-4570-b359-2deda09d8948
dcat_modified 2021-12-10
dcat_publisher_name Agricultural Research Service
harvest_object_id b2ce8b71-68f3-4837-829e-f363c0965f25
harvest_source_id 2c0b1e04-ba48-4488-9de5-0dab41f9913f
harvest_source_title USDA Open Data Catalog