A best fit lookup between Output Areas (OA), Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOA) and Middle layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) at December 2011 and local authority districts (LAD) and local enterprise partnerships (LEP) in England as at 1st April 2020.Due to the overlaps in the LEP coverage of England, 4 LEP fields have been provided in the file - LEP20CD1/NM1 and LEP20CD2/NM2. The first two fields show the LEP that each OA falls into, allocated on a best-fit basis, the second two fields show the second LEP that the OA has been allocated to if it is contained in an overlapping LEP.Field Names – OA11CD, LAD20CD, LAD20NM,
LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LEP20CD1, LEP20NM1, LEP20CD2, LEP20NM2, FIDField Types – Text, Text, Text,
Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths – 9, 9, 35,9,47, 9, 32, 9, 49, 9, 42FID = The FID, or Feature ID is created by
the publication process when the names and codes / lookup products are
published to the Open Geography portal. REST URL of Feature Access Service – https://services1.arcgis.com/ESMARspQHYMw9BZ9/arcgis/rest/services/OA11_LAD20_LSOA11_MSOA11_LEP20_EN_d3d34514a59145e2bcb56b2e4751b9d3/FeatureServer