A best-fit lookup between Output Areas (OA), civil parishes / communities and local authority districts (LAD) as at 31 December 2011 in England and Wales. This lookup has been provided with a 'small population indicator' field. This field indicates those parishes / communities which have a very small population. There are two designated categories to describe the changes, and these are as follows: - 0 - normal population, - 1 - very small population. Where a parish / community is smaller than an OA and therefore does not contain any OA population weighted centroids, the parish / community is allocated to the OA with its population weighted centroid nearest to any part of the parish / community. The methodology used to create the OA lookups is based on the distribution of 2011 Census population. A median average of each OA's household grid references, weighted by the population at each household has been used to create a population weighted centroid for each OA. This centroid has been used to allocate the OA and all its associated statistics to any higher geographies. (File Size 8.6MB).Field Names – OA11CD, PAR11CD, PAR11NM, PAR11NMW, SMPOPIND, LAD11CD, LAD11NM, LAD11NMW
Field Types – Text, Text, Text,
Text, Text, Text, Text, Text
Field Lengths – 9, 9, 70, 70, 1, 9, 36, 36REST URL of Feature Access Service – https://services1.arcgis.com/ESMARspQHYMw9BZ9/arcgis/rest/services/OA11_PAR11_LAD11_EW_LU_ff0c1b98220f4756915b2eaf7510df06/FeatureServer