A best-fit lookup between postcodes, 2021 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at February 2024 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 44MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA21CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA21CD, LSOA21NM, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48