Ramsar sites are classified under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. The mission of the Convention is "the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local and national actions and international cooperation, as a contribution towards achieving sustainable development throughout the world". The UK Government signed up to the Convention in 1976.https://www.nature.scot/professional-advice/protected-areas-and-species/protected-areas/international-designations/ramsar-sitesScotland has 51 Ramsar sites designated as internationally important wetlands, covering a total area of about 313,000 hectares.Most Ramsar sites in Scotland are linked to the European site network - either as a Special Protection Area (SPA) or Special Area of Conservation (SAC). All are underpinned by Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). These sites may be of importance for their wide variety of waterbirds, bogs, lochs, coastal wetlands and other water-dependent habitats and species.Learn about designating Ramsar sites on the Ramsar website.Complete metadata record on SSDI