The Register of Geographic Codes (RGC) is a key product that contains the definitive list of UK statistical geographies. ONS maintains the definitive set of statistical geographies, coordinates the issue of new codes, and maintains the relationship between active and archived code ranges on behalf of the Government Statistical Service. The RGC should be used in conjunction with the Code History Database, available to download separately.Updated Geographies· We were notified to a couple of amendments to the Sustainability and Transformation Plan footprints which meant amendments to the Cancer Alliances. The changes are as follows: North Durham CCG move from STP E54000003 to E54000001. Therefore these two STPs have new codes: E54000045 (Durham, Darlington, Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby) and E54000046 (Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham). Correction to the border between the West, North and East Cumbria STP and Lancashire and South Cumbria STP. Therefore these two STPs have new codes: E54000047 (West, North and East Cumbria) and E54000048 (Lancashire and South Cumbria).