Revised Kimberlina Groundwater Simulations

Kimberlina Groundwater Qaulity Simulations (Version 3: 2015 October) by Lawrence Livermore National Labratory. Submitted to the EDX team at the National Energy Technology Laboratory for research use. This dataset contains 562 updated groundwater quality simulations based on the Kimberlina site. It is a six-layer model including the aquifers and aquitards inbetween the ground surface and the reservoir. The input files and associated leakage information for these simulations are included in the zip file "nrap_kim_well31_fluxes and inputs.tar.gz". These 562 simulations are the successful results out of 1000 monte carlo simulations, with time length greater than 5 years. Each simulation consists 6 output files, therefore, there are 3372 files (6*562) in total. One single example simulation of full time length (200 year) is also provided in the zip file "single_simulation_200yr_sim0012.tar.gz".

These 6 groundwater quality parameters are: - pH (use absolute value) - TDS (mg/kg) - Pressure (Pa) - CO2 Liquid Saturation (fraction range 0.0-1.0) - CO2 Gas Concentration (mol/L) - CO2 Liquid Concentration (mol/kg) Their correponding file names, take the first simulation for example, are: ph0001.ntab (for pH) , tds0001.ntab (for TDS), usnt0001.p.ntab (for pressure), usnt0001.s_liquid.ntab (for liquid saturation), usnt0001.c_co2_gas.ntab (for CO2 gas concentration) and usnt0001.c_co2_liquid.ntab (for CO2 liquid concentration).

Each output file contains at least 19 columns (variables). The total number of columns depends on the simulation time length. The column data include the information of numerical records, geologic location and sizes and the simulated parameter values over time. The first 13 variables are about numerical records and relative geologic information for a simulation grid: 1. index: simulation index 2. i: the ith grid of x-axis 3. j: the jth grid of y-axis 4. k: the kth grid of z-axis 5. element_ref: element type reference 6. nuft_ind: nuft index 7. x: grid location in the x axis direction 8. y: grid location in the y axis direction 9. z: grid location in the z axis direction 10. dx: grid length in the x axis direction 11. dy: grid length in the y axis direction 12. dz: grid length in the z axis direction 13. volume: volume of the simulation grid The rest (14, 15, 16...) variables are the simulated parameter values over time, take pH as an example, are: 14. ph000y: initial pH value. 15. ph001y: simulated pH value at the end of the 1st year. 16. ph002y: simulated pH value at the end of the 2nd year. ... (and so on)... The zip input files have the input fluxes of brine and CO2 (in kg/s) allocated to model layers 1,2,3 and 5 (layers 4 and 6 are assumed to be no-flow aquitards) through the following nodes:

(src1 WELL 7 7 25 25 10 32) #Etchegoin (src2 WELL 7 7 25 25 33 72) #Macoma Chanac (src3 WELL 7 7 25 25 73 83) #Santa Margarita Mclure (src4 WELL 7 7 25 25 84 89) #Fruitvale Round Mountain (aquitard) (src5 WELL 7 7 25 25 90 96) #Olcese Sand (thief zone) (src6 WELL 7 7 25 25 97 99) #tremblor Freeman (aquitard) ex: brn1 is assigned to src 1 from i=(7,7), j=(25,25), k=(10,32)

Edited by Ya-Mei Yang at National Energy Technology Laboratory

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Author Email
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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
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IB1 Trust Framework
citation none provided\r\n, DOI: 10.18141/1603338
netl_product yes
osti yes
poc_email [email protected]
point_of_contact Andrea McNemar
program_or_project WESTCARB
project_number FC26-05NT42593
spatial {"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-117.158203125,37.24782120155428],[-117.158203125,34.361576287484176],[-121.59667968749999,34.361576287484176],[-121.59667968749999,37.24782120155428],[-117.158203125,37.24782120155428]]]]}