Road Weather Demonstration Data

The Belle Isle data was collected between May 1st, 2014 and September 16th, 2014 on the Belle Isle Park in Michigan. However, within the data file provided as part of this data environment, only data during the World Congress demonstration period from September 5, 2014 to September 11, 2014 is included. Several vehicles equipped with multiple sensors drove around the island collecting 572,030 readings of multiple variables. The uploaded data file lists all those observations and the pertaining details about the sensor equipment, the sensor platform and the status of quality checking performed for each observation.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) -- Recommended citation: "U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office. (2014). Road Weather Demonstration Data. [Dataset]. Provided by ITS DataHub through Accessed YYYY-MM-DD from"
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
Common-Core_Bureau-Code 021:15
Common-Core_Contact-Email [email protected]
Common-Core_Contact-Name Gene McHale
Common-Core_Geographic-Coverage Belle Isle, Detroit, Michigan,
Common-Core_Is-Quality-Data True
Common-Core_Issued 2015-05-07
Common-Core_Last-Update 2015-05-07
Common-Core_Program-Code 021:013
Common-Core_Public-Access-Level public
Common-Core_Publisher USDOT
Common-Core_Temporal-Applicability 2014-09-05/2014-09-11
Common-Core_Update-Frequency irregular
categories {infrastructure,economy,"social services"}
license Creative Commons Attribution | Noncommercial | Share Alike 3.0 Unported
owner_display_name kathythompson
source_created_at 2017-10-04T15:09:05.000Z
source_updated_at 2021-09-03T19:33:20.000Z