Abstract:The Schedule of Native Title Determination Applications is kept by the Native Title Registrar pursuant to s 98A(1) of the NTA and contains information on all applications made under s 61 of the NTA, including claimant, non-claimant, compensation applications and applications for a revised determination of native title. The Schedule includes claimant applications that are not on the Register of Native Title Claims because they have: a) not yet been considered for registration; b) been considered for registration but have not been accepted; or c) been amended, but the amended application has not yet been considered for registration.National Native Title Tribunal © Commonwealth of Australia 2022Downloads and Links:Web ServicesSchedule of Native Title Determination ApplicationsMetadata URL:www.nntt.gov.au/assistance/Geospatial/Pages/Metadata.aspx?filename=%20ISO19139/Schedule%20of%20Native%20Title%20Determination%20ApplicationsArcGIS item:https://nntt.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=2698667a86e54550b732174a71c3bc57&sublayer=8