This is the shoreline modification layer from the larger Washington ShoreZone Inventory. It shows the percentage of anthropogenic shoreline modification in each shoreline segment. Information on other human features are also included in the attribute table, such as the number of docks, ramps, piers, and slips. Shoreline modification can take the form of piers, bulkheads, rip rap or other forms. The ShoreZone Inventory includes all saltwater shorelines statewide. It was completed between 1994 and 2000 using aerial videography collected at low tide.The Washington State ShoreZone Inventory can be used to better understand and manage Washington's coastal ecosystems. The inventory is useful for identifying the location of sensitive resources, for characterizing the distribution of habitats, and for identifying rare features. For example, maps of the inventory data can illustrate the distribution of eelgrass. Data can also be analyzed numerically to characterize abundance, such as the percentage of a shoreline that has been modified, or the relative abundance of different types of shorelines.