This is the microstructural data used in the publication "Mesoscale characterization of local property distributions in hetergeneous electrodes" by Tim Hsu, William K. Epting, Rubayyat Mahbub, et al., published in the Journal of Power Sources in 2018. (DOI 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.03.025).
Included are a commercial cathode and anode active layer (Materials and Systems Research, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT) imaged by Xe plasma FIB-SEM (FEI, Hillsboro, OR), and four synthetic microstructures of varying particle size distribution widths generated by DREAM3D (BlueQuartz Software, Springboro, OH).
For the MSRI electrodes, both the original greyscale and the segmented versions are provided.
Each .zip file contains a "stack" of .tif image files in the Z dimension, and an .info ascii text file containing useful information like voxel sizes and phase IDs.
More details can be found in the pertinent publication at