Surficial Geologic Map of the Richmond Quadrangle, Vermont

Digital data from VG2019-1 Wright, S., 2019, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Richmond 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG9-1, scale 1:24,000. Data may include surficial geologic contacts, isopach contours lines, bedrock outcrop polygons, bedrock geologic contacts, hydrogeologic units and more. The surficial geologic materials data at a scale of 1:24,000 depict types of unconsolidated surficial and glacial materials overlying bedrock in Vermont. Data is created by mapping on the ground using standard geologic pace and compass techniques and/or GPS on a LiDAR or USGS 1:24000 topographic base map. The materials data is selected from the Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report (OFR) publication ( The OFR contains more complete descriptions of map units, cross-sections, isopach maps and other information that may not be included in this digital data set.

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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
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IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
dcat_issued 2019-11-04T13:01:25.000Z
dcat_modified 2022-03-24T11:31:05.000Z
dcat_publisher_name Vermont Geological Survey
harvest_object_id eba5a121-f1ce-405c-8786-5f17de5749f4
harvest_source_id b889e3d6-f44f-4fa3-99d4-738f2ff12afc
harvest_source_title Vermont Open Geodata Portal
ib1_trust_framework []