Texas DOT (TxDOT) Work Zone Data Schema Version 2.0

This dataset provides lane closure occurrences within the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) highway system in a tabular format.

A continuously updating archive of the TxDOT WZDx feed data can be found at ITS WorkZone Raw Data Sandbox and the ITS WorkZone Semi-Processed Data Sandbox. The live feed is currently compliant with the Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) Specification version 2.0.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://datahub.transportation.gov/d/h4kh-i7b7
Author U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) --- Recommended citation: "Texas Department of Transportation. (2020). Texas DOT (TxDOT) Work Zone Data Sample. [Dataset]. Provided by ITS DataHub through Data.transportation.gov. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD from http://doi.org/10.21949/1518704"
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
Common-Core_Bureau-Code 021:15
Common-Core_Contact-Email [email protected]
Common-Core_Contact-Name FHWA-Datahub
Common-Core_Data-Standard https://www.transportation.gov/av/data/wzdx
Common-Core_Geographic-Coverage Texas
Common-Core_Is-Quality-Data true
Common-Core_Issued 2020-05-26
Common-Core_Language en-US
Common-Core_Last-Update 2020-06-05
Common-Core_License http://www.usa.gov/publicdomain/label/1.0/
Common-Core_Program-Code 021:013
Common-Core_Public-Access-Level public
Common-Core_Publisher US Department of Transportation
Common-Core_References http://txdot-its-c2c.txdot.gov/WZDx/2.0, https://collaboration.fhwa.dot.gov/wzmp/updateddocuments/FHWA-HOP-20-020_Data_Dictionary_DRAFT_Report.pdf
Common-Core_Update-Frequency R/PT1S
Common-Core_Update-Frequency- R/P1D
categories {transportation}
harvest_object_id 882e3585-f3aa-4fc8-86b0-cc8e6e913aaa
harvest_source_id a7dcdbaf-e4e3-4821-be64-d4ab014fcc67
harvest_source_title DOT Open Data Catalog
license Public Domain U.S. Government
owner_display_name FHWA-Highway Data
source_created_at 2020-05-11T21:12:22.000Z
source_updated_at 2024-05-13T17:48:11.000Z