These rasters were created to improve upon the NHDPlusV2 framework for characterizing landscape features to lakes across the CONUS. There are 59 rasters created in LakeCat to represent local area catchments for each waterbody that is found to be off-network in every Raster Processing Unit (RPU). The file name indicates the RPU that the file was generated from (wtshed_xxx.tif , where xxx is the rpu). These are the output of the ESRI Watershed tool with a rasterized version of off-network lakes and the flow directon raster delivered in the NHDPlusV2. Each of these zones describe the local catchment of each off-network lake and are used to characterize landscape features in the same way that is done in StreamCat. A flow network was created (see LakeCat_Processing) to link zones that flow to another. This flow network is supplemental to all of the lakes that were found to be off-network and provides the flow path between zones to accumulate characterizations in LakeCat to a watershed level.