This dataset represents the impervious surface coefficients within individual local and accumulated upstream catchments for NHDPlusV2 Waterbodies based on the National Land Cover Data. AOI boundaries in LakeCat are defined in one of two ways, on-network or off-network. The on-network catchment boundaries follow the catchments provided in the NHDPlusV2 and the metrics for these lakes mirror metrics from StreamCat, but will substitute the COMID of the NHDWaterbody for that of the NHDFlowline. The off-network catchment framework uses the NHDPlusV2 flow direction rasters to define non-overlapping lake-AOI boundaries and then links them through an off-network flow table. This data set is derived from the NLCD Impervious Surfaces raster which describes percent imperviousness (continuous data type). Values indicate the degree to which the area is composed of impervious anthropogenic materials (e.g., parking surfaces, roads, building roofs). This raster was produced based on a decision-tree classification of circa 2004 Landsat satellite data.