Turkey - Electricity Transmission Network

Interconnection of the Turkish electricity transmission network with Iraq and Syria. The properties for nodes are "name" and "node type" (city, town, plant, dam...). The properties for lines are the "transmission power" in kV (e.g. 400), the "type of line" (single, double...), the linked nodes (identified by the nodes names) and, for international interconnections, the "interconnection" property gathers the two linked countries identified by name. The format is GeoJSON, nodes are displayed as points and lines as lines. Data comes from the Arab Union of Electricity.

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Source http://www.auptde.org/PublicationsCat.aspx?lang=en&CID=119
Author Haroun Beltaifa
Author Email Haroun Beltaifa
Maintainer Email
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
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IB1 Trust Framework