Explore this data in a series of maps here. The Vermont Heat Vulnerability Index draws together 17 different measures of vulnerability in six different themes: population, socioeconomic, health, environmental, climate, and heat illness. These measures are combined to measure the overall vulnerability of Vermont towns to heat-related events. This is a first step to identify populations that may be more vulnerable to extreme heat, however local knowledge should always be considered when it is available.Analytical and mapping methods are described in further detail in the Vermont Heat Vulnerability Assessment ReportData last updated 2016.Measures:Heat Vulnerability Measures
Population Characteristics: 1. % population less than 5 years old 2. % population 65 years old or older Socioeconomic Characteristics: 3. % population living below Federal Poverty Line 4. % adult population with no high school diploma 5. % adults 65 and older living alone 6. % adult population with no health insurance Health Conditions: 7. % adults with diabetes 8. % adults with asthma 9. % adults with hypertension 10. % adults who are obese 11. % adults in fair or poor health 12. All-cause mortality, warm season deaths Environmental Characteristics: 13. Housing units per square mile 14. % covered with Impervious surface 15. % covered by forest canopy Climate Characteristics: 16. Average number of days per year 87° F or hotter Observed Heat Illness: 17. Heat-related emergency department visits