VT Data - Johnson Zoning

Village Storefront Building Envelope Standards (BES): Main street in character with high volume foor traffric. The purpose is to create a street-oriented public realm that encourages a more dense downtown. Multi-use/multi-purpose built environment with retail and mixed use uses. See Section 5.01 in Johnson Form Based Code for Village Storefront Building Envelope Standards. Village Neighborhood District Building Envelope Standards (BES): A multi-use neighborhood with a street-oriented public realm that encourages medium density. Multi-use/multi-purpose built environment. Typically detached/ free standing single or two family residences, small-scale multi-family, corner stores., and small-scale commercial uses. Pedestrian-oriented streets but ultimately mode neutral. Small from yards are encouraged. See Section 5.03 of Johnson Form Based Code for Village Neighborhood District Building Envelope Standards. Village General Building Envelope Standards (BES): Village is generally a multi-use, mixed use, dense downtown built environment. Typically areas adjacent to and supportive of main streets(s). Housing, commercial, and retail uses are typical;parking facilities are also allowed. The built environment can be a mix of freestanding buildings and shared wall buildings with an overall emphasis on medium foot traffic pedestrianism. See Section 5.02 in Johnson Form Based Code for Village General District Building Envelope Standards. Johnson Form Based Code Standards can be accessed online at: http://townofjohnson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Reformatted-Form-Based-Code-3-2.pdf

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Source https://geodata.vermont.gov/maps/lcpcvt::vt-data-johnson-zoning
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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
IB1 Trust Framework
IB1 Dataset Assurance
IB1 Trust Framework
GUID https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=848e0a3498c748c7b71aefc1606d469c&sublayer=0
dcat_issued 2019-01-07T19:37:50.000Z
dcat_modified 2019-01-07T19:48:46.427Z
dcat_publisher_name Lamoille County Planning Commission
harvest_object_id 96b858b6-a6a6-45f0-a774-e9d9c975e103
harvest_source_id b889e3d6-f44f-4fa3-99d4-738f2ff12afc
harvest_source_title Vermont Open Geodata Portal
ib1_trust_framework []