WADNR PUBLIC Cadastre OpenData
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | https://geo.wa.gov/maps/wadnr::wadnr-public-cadastre-opendata |
Version | |
Author | |
Author Email | |
Maintainer | |
Maintainer Email | |
Shared (this field will be removed in the future) | Open |
IB1 Sensitivity Class | |
IB1 Trust Framework | |
IB1 Dataset Assurance | |
IB1 Trust Framework | |
GUID | https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=ad31b04092a34418a5f562342b5d7f99&sublayer=10 |
Language | |
dcat_issued | 2021-09-13T17:41:34.000Z |
dcat_modified | 2023-11-25T05:11:32.466Z |
dcat_publisher_name | Washington State Department of Natural Resources |
harvest_object_id | ddabd3f3-02b0-4c56-920f-80098e2b6987 |
harvest_source_id | 03016d16-b963-4f6a-99b0-8a37574f4576 |
harvest_source_title | Washington Geospatial Open Data Portal |