Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Lucky Hills (Carbon Dioxide and Water Flux)

The meteorological data and Bowen ratio energy balance systems (BREB) (Model 023/CO2 Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, Utah, USA) data are used to calculate carbon dioxide and evapotranspiration (ET) fluxes at Lucky Hills. The stored Bowen ration instrument data from the measurement site were transmitted by radio daily to our research station in Tombstone, AZ. From there, they were transferred through an Internet connection to Tucson, AZ. The data were then divided into 5-day increments and inserted into a Quattro1 Pro spreadsheet file which had all the formulations to calculate flux of soil heat, latent heat, sensible heat, evapotranspiration rates (ET), and CO2 rates on the 20-min time step of the data. All instrument and calculated data were graphed in the spreadsheet file and thoroughly reviewed for any instrument problems or data stream collection issues. The shrub site is known as Lucky Hills, elevation 1372 m. The soil at this site is coarse-loamy, mixed, thermic Ustochreptic Calciorthids) with 3 to 8% slopes [NRCS Soil Survey, 2003]. The surface A horizon (0-6 cm) contains 650 g kg1 sand, 290 g kg1 silt, and 60 g kg1 clay with 290 g kg1 coarse fragments >2 mm, 8 g kg1 organic carbon, and 21 g kg1 inorganic carbon. Vegetation is dominated by creosotebush (Larrea tridentata (D.C.) Cov.), whitethorn Acacia (Acacia constricta Benth. (Fabaceae)), and tarbush (Flourensia cernua D.C. (Asteraceae)). Vegetation canopy height maintained an almost constant 1 m height. Carbon dioxide and water fluxes are important components of watershed function. In order to study carbon dioxide and water flux as they exist over the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed (WGEW), two sites were selected on the basis of their ecosystem composition, one site being dominated by shrubs and the other a grass dominated plant community. Lucky Hills is the shrub site. Measurements were made from 1997 through the present at the two sites.

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GUID WalnutLuckyHills_jjm_2015-03-20_1241
dcat_modified 2022-01-05
dcat_publisher_name Agricultural Research Service
harvest_object_id 4d989a47-f3dc-442a-a579-6767831877d8
harvest_source_id 2c0b1e04-ba48-4488-9de5-0dab41f9913f
harvest_source_title USDA Open Data Catalog