NOTE: This feature service has replaced "School Districts - Washington State".This feature service depicts the boundaries of the nine Educational Service Districts in Washington State. Educational Service Districts are nine regional educational support agencies partnering with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to provide essential services for school districts and communities and to help OSPI implement legislatively-supported education initiatives.Attribute definitions with alias in [ ] and source in ():OrganizationId [Organization Id] - Unique organization code for database purposes (EDS)ESDCode [ESD Code] - Educational Service District unique code (EDS)ESDNum [ESD Number] - Educational Service District numberESDName [ESD Name] - Educational Service District name (EDS)ShortName [Short Name] - Abbreviated ESD name (Calculated)PhysicalAddress [School Physical Address]- Physical Address of ESD (EDS)MailingAddress [School Mailing Address] - Mailing Address of ESD (EDS)Website [Website] - ESD website URL (Edited)