Weight and Value of Imports

Explore the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's imports dataset , featuring details on import volume, value in millions of Saudi Riyals, weight in thousands of tons, and the old import format.

Imports, Volume, value(Millions SR), Weight(1000 Tons), Old import format

Saudi ArabiaFollow data.kapsarc.org for timely data to advance energy economics research..Weight in 1000 tonsValue in Millions SR

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Email
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Shared (this field will be removed in the future) Open
IB1 Sensitivity Class
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IB1 Trust Framework
GUID https://datasource.kapsarc.org/api/v2/catalog/datasets/kingdoms-imports-2000-2009
Identifier kingdoms-imports-2000-2009
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/en"]
Theme ["https://datasource.kapsarc.org/id/theme/Economy", "https://datasource.kapsarc.org/id/theme/Trade"]
URI https://datasource.kapsarc.org/api/v2/catalog/datasets/kingdoms-imports-2000-2009
harvest_object_id cf04388e-ad1e-40df-93fa-44603482736e
harvest_source_id 66a4911c-4fc5-4ce9-af4f-d84380e3dd24
harvest_source_title KAPSARC Energy Data Portal