West Virginia Geology - Canaan Valley Bedrock Maps

From the site: "Bedrock geology [map] . . . Created by the WV Geological and Economic Survey (WVGES) in 1999 as part of their ongoing statewide digital geologic mapping project. Refer to the Word document (cvgisgeo.doc) for a brief explanation of the GIS coverages."

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citation Ben Schubert, West Virginia Geology - Canaan Valley Bedrock Maps , 2014-06-18, https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/west-virginia-geology-canaan-valley-bedrock-maps
netl_product no
organization_acronym WVGISTC
spatial {"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-78.651123046875,40.36328834091583],[-78.651123046875,38.134556577054134],[-80.936279296875,38.134556577054134],[-80.936279296875,40.36328834091583],[-78.651123046875,40.36328834091583]]]]}