Interconnector Requirement and Auction Summary Data
National Grid ESO (NGESO) trades on interconnectors to adjust the flow of electricity into or out of Great Britain to help manage system issues such as Rate Of Change Of... -
Day Ahead Wind Forecast
The dataset contains national and BMU wind forecast over a day ahead timescale as well as all historic day ahead wind forecasts to assist the industry to make efficient... -
Constraint Breakdown Costs and Volume
The publication consists of constraint breakdown information to provide additional transparency of why as ESO we are taking actions on the system. Please note that tags applied... -
Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) Day Ahead Auction Results
As part of Clean Energy Package (CEP) 6.9 we will be running daily auction for procurement of Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR). The daily results from the auction are... -
Monthly Balancing Services summary (MBSS)
The MBSS gives the costs and volumes of balancing services used by the ESO. These costs are broken into individual months in the past financial year, as well as by each... -
National Carbon Intensity Forecast
This dataset contains national carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system. The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced... -
Thermal Constraint Costs
Thermal constraints are taken when the amount of energy that would flow naturally from one region to another exceeds the capacity of the circuits connecting the two regions.... -
Long Term (2-52 weeks ahead) National Demand Forecast
This dataset contains incremental updates for 2-52 weeks ahead demand forecast. The forecast assist the industry to make efficient decisions in balancing their supply and demand... -
Country Carbon Intensity Forecast
This dataset contains country carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system.The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced per... -
Current Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) Charges
There is a file for each run type we calculate a BSUoS charge for - Interim Initial (II), Settlement Final (SF) and Reconciliation Final (RF). These are updated daily with the... -
Daily Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) Cost Data
The BSUoS charge recovers the cost of day-to-day operation of the transmission system. Generators and suppliers are liable for these charges, which are calculated daily as a... -
Day Ahead Constraint Flows and Limits
A snapshot of the limits and flows at relevant boundaries at day ahead stage. These flow values are true for when the measurement was taken and will not reflect any changes in... -
Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) register
A list of projects that hold contracts for Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) with us. These include existing and future connection projects and projects that can be directly... -
System Frequency
This page holds the historic system frequency data for Great Britain at a 1 second resolution. It is the role of the National Grid ESO to keep the system frequency at 50 Hz,... -
Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) Forward Contracts
Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) is used to submit balancing actions to the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC), which defines the rules and governance for the... -
Dynamic Containment 4 Day Forecast
The dataset contains forecasts of our Dynamic Containment Low and High requirements for the next 4-days. The methodology uses forecasted demand, inertia, and response volumes as... -
Local Authority Level Spatial Heat Model Outputs (FES)
This dataset represents the regional results from the Spatial Heat model used as part of the Future Energy Scenarios. The 2021 data was generated to support a thought piece to... -
Regional Carbon Intensity Forecast
This dataset contains regional carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system.The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced... -
Stability Pathfinder service information
This dataset gives indicative information on the availability and utilisation of Stability Pathfinder contracts. The information is provided at a settlement period resolution... -
IFA - NGESO's Intraday Transfer Limit
These are the values submitted by NGESO to the interconnector capacity calculation processes which restrict the maximum GB import and export interconnector flows. The values are...