The second count of the presidential election of 1990
The second count of the presidential election of 1990 between Austin Currie, Brian Lenihan and Mary Robinson. -
Overall Loan Payments by year
This data is not directly comparable with pre 2006 data The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be... -
The third count of the presidential election of 2011
The third count of the presidential election of 2011 between Mary Davis, Sean Gallagher, Michael D. Higgins, Martin McGuinness, Gay Mitchell, David Norris and Dana Rosemary... -
Overall Loan Approvals by bank by year
This data contains an unquantified element of refinancing of existing mortgages (e.g. involving the redemption of an existing mortgage and its replacement with a mortgage from... -
Enforcement of Standards and Rent Books in 2014- 2015
Louth data ; The Department is awaiting 2015 Data to be confirmed by LA 12/8/16 Wicklow data; The Department is awaiting 2015 Data to be confirmed by LA 12/8/16 Data prior to... -
New Property Prices by agency - by quarter
This series includes both house and apartment prices. 2015 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in € -
Planning Applications 2010 by County and City
Planning Applications 2010 by County and City Contains data on planning application types, decisions to grant or refuse and whether those decisions were made within 8 weeks or... -
House registrations by area
Data up to and including 2001 represents HomeBond Registrations. Data from 2002 to 2009 includes HomeBond Registrations and Premier Guarantee Registrations Data from 2010... -
Annual Count of Traveller Families by Type of Housing 2009 to 2011
Annual Count of Traveller Families by Type of Housing 2009 to 2011 -
Total ESB Connections - Monthly by area 2006-2013
ESB Connections data series are based on the number of new dwellings connected by ESB Networks to the electricity supply and may not accord precisely with local authority... -
LIHAF Table for publication as at Wed 28032018 The following notes of the table headings apply; 1 LIHAF funding is provided on a matched funding basis, with the Exchequer... -
General election of May 2007- General Statistics
General Election May 2007-general statistics -
ESB Connections by area monthly 2014 to date
ESB Connections data series are based on the number of new dwellings connected by ESB Networks to the electricity supply and may not accord precisely with local authority... -
Planning applications by area 2010-2012; applications accompanied by Environm...
Planning applications by area 2010-2012; 2010-2012 applications accompanied by Environmental Impact Statement -
Second hand property prices by area by year
Prior to 1974 the data was based on surveys of existing house sales in Dublin carried out by the Valuation Office on behalf of the D. O. E. Since 1974 the data has been based... -
Local Authority loan payments, by quarter
Values in Euro for all files. -
Consistency of planning decisions in appeal cases 1995-2012
Consistency of planning decisions in appeal cases 1995-2012 -
Estimate of Housing Stock for each year ended 31 December 1970-1991
Data post-1991 is available on the website - the data is not directly comparable to this dataset due to definitional issues with the census figures. Housing Stock from 1970 to... -
Loans broken down by interest rate type by quarter
Source: From lending institutions and local authorities The loan payments dataset stops in 2007.... -
Planning Applications 2009 by County and City
Planning Applications 2009 by County and City This contains data on planning applications, decisions and the timeframe in which the decision was made organised by county.