ESME net-zero scenario: Clockwork
Energy Systems Catapult offers expertise in National Energy System Modelling and Analysis, which draws on the internationally peer reviewed Energy System Modelling Environment... -
Measuring the Consumer Response to the Energy Crisis
This dataset contains daily gas usage and external temperature data for 36 Living Lab homes for the periods Jul-Oct 2021 and Jul-Oct 2022 -
Energy Digitalisation Projects
This is a spreadsheet of the projects that were discovered during the research of the Energy Data Taskforce review. This forms the first part of the Energy Digitalisation... -
Living Lab 19/20 User heating schedules - Eden 1
The Living Lab is made up of 100 homes spread across Newcastle, Manchester, South Wales and the West Midlands. All homes are owner-occupied with a range of building types and... -
LEAR Corby - Local Energy Asset Representation
This dataset contains both a PDF report of the LEAR in question, and an Excel spreadsheet of data that sits behind the graphs and maps in the report. The report can be found... -
LEAR Suffolk - Local Energy Asset Representation
This dataset contains both a PDF report of the LEAR in question, and an Excel spreadsheet of data that sits behind the graphs and maps in the report. The report can be found... -
Living Lab 18/19 User Overrides - Eden 1-5
The Living Lab is made up of 100 homes spread across Newcastle, Manchester, South Wales and the West Midlands. All homes are owner-occupied with a range of building types and... -
Living Lab 19/20 Home Model - Eden 1-5
The Living Lab is made up of 100 homes spread across Newcastle, Manchester, South Wales and the West Midlands. All homes are owner-occupied with a range of building types and... -
Living Lab 18/19 Weather Data - Eden 5
The Living Lab is made up of 100 homes spread across Newcastle, Manchester, South Wales and the West Midlands. All homes are owner-occupied with a range of building types and... -
Retrofit Skills Foresighting
In 2022, Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) was commissioned by The Gatsby Foundation to carry out a Foresighting activity to help the UK’s education and retrofit sectors identify... -
Living Lab 18/19 Home Model - Eden 1-5
The Living Lab is made up of 100 homes spread across Newcastle, Manchester, South Wales and the West Midlands. All homes are owner-occupied with a range of building types and... -
LEAR Levenmouth - Local Energy Asset Representation
This dataset contains both a PDF report of the LEAR in question, and an Excel spreadsheet of data that sits behind the graphs and maps in the report. The report can be found... -
Living Lab 19/20 Heating Targets - Eden 1-5
The Living Lab is made up of 100 homes spread across Newcastle, Manchester, South Wales and the West Midlands. All homes are owner-occupied with a range of building types and... -
Living Lab 18/19 Weather Data - Eden 4
The Living Lab is made up of 100 homes spread across Newcastle, Manchester, South Wales and the West Midlands. All homes are owner-occupied with a range of building types and... -
Catalogue of Projects on Energy Data (COPED)
COPED, or the Catalogue of Projects on Energy Data aims to unify various information stores and existing portals for energy projects under a single extendable umbrella that has...